Release Notes: Amwell Hospital (11/16/2022)

Deployment Date:  Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Deployment Window:  9PM – 12AM ET



  • TV Kit: Shift Placement of Call Timer and Device Name Below Banner
  • Display More information when a Carepoint is Busy

NOTE: You can view the Amwell Hospital Web, Mobile, & Device Updates page for a list of updates made across the Hospital platform (including known issues, bugfixes, hotfixes, etc.).
 You can also get a glimpse of notable new features and updates that are Coming Soon in the upcoming weeks and months. Additionally, you can view updates for the new Amwell Converge platform here.

These pages will require a one-time registration and login if you have not already registered for this site.



TV Kit: Shift Placement of Call Timer and Device Name Below Banner

On the TV Kit 100, the call timer will now shift below the Observation/Interactive banner until the banner times out.



Display More information when a Carepoint is Busy

We are displaying more information about a busy Carepoint in Quick Connect. Users will now be able to see the current call duration as well as the participant that are currently in the outgoing call.





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