Reminder: Amwell C250, C500, TV Kit 100 (App v3.0.2) update

 Deployment date:

 Wednesday, April 13, 2022
 App v3.0.2

 Deployment window:

 9-10AM ET


Amwell is happy to announce that the re-release of the C250, C500, and TV Kit 100 app update from earlier this year is ready for deployment.  After encountering a number of issues on initial release and performing deep Root Cause Analysis to understand the totality of the issues, Amwell has performed extensive testing of this release including in-field trials with clients who were affected by the original issues.  We are confident that this release is ready for patient use, but as always please reach out to Amwell Support at with any questions or concerns. 

This release is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th between 9-10am ET and includes an app (v3.0.2) and website update.  For devices set to 'Simple update' mode, these updates will happen automatically during that window with no interaction required remotely or in-person.  For devices set to 'Manual update', you will need to send a “Push App Update” command from Amwell’s Fleet Monitoring site after that window to apply the update.  No reboots or any other action are required.  Please review the instructions below for further details on how app updates for these devices are performed.


Details of the update  

In addition to the features and improvements mentioned in the previous release notes from January 2022, this re-release includes the following critical bug fixes: 

  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Far End Camera Controls (FECC) to the C250 to be unavailable 
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the C250 to default to an invalid speaker 
  • Included a fix that should resolve a bug where the TV Kit 100 fails to end a call appropriately, resulting in the Carepoint becoming stuck in the call after the remote provider has left. When the remote provider ends the call, the TV Kit should now appropriately exit the call immediately and become available to receive another call.


Reminder about mandatory firewall requirements  

As a reminder, please ensure your network is configured to meet the firewall requirements specified here.  These have not changed since late 2021, but the update from January 2022 was the first update to make use of some of these domains (specifically * and this release still leverages these same domainsIf the mandatory firewall guidelines are not adhered to on the network the device is connected to, basic functionality may not work. For any questions, please reach out to Amwell Support.


Intermittent known issue — System Error screen

A small number of clients have encountered a System Error on the C250 and C500 intermittently.  This issue has been seen in previous releases as well, so we believe it is unrelated to the reverted release, but here is some further information about this issue to assist with a resolution if you do encounter this.

The following error screen appears, primarily upon boot up:


This error screen can appear if the device is unable to communicate with Amwell servers for any reason.

If this issue is encountered, please contact Amwell Support for assistance.  Here are some suggested workarounds to try as well: 

  • Because one potential cause of this could be if firewalls are not configured per Amwell guidelines, we recommend confirming the firewall guidelines with your IT team.  Additionally, confirm that the device is connected to your preferred network and not a Guest network.
  • Connect to a different network, such as a hard-wired ethernet that is known to allow Amwell traffic and reboot the device.
  • If that is not successful, perform a local software revert by performing the steps detailed in the link below and contact Amwell Support for further assistance.


Known Issues

Updating from App v3.0.1 to v3.0.2
If you did not revert your device from App v3.0.1, then after upgrading to this release (v3.0.2) a reboot will be required for the new app version to show on Fleet Monitoring and in the Cart's Settings.

TV Kit 100: If the TV Kit's camera is not detected, the call will not start
In the previous release, if the TV Kit's camera is not detected an audio-only call to the TV was still possible. With this release, if the TV Kit's camera is not found then the call will fail.

  • NOTE: This issue will be resolved in an upcoming server-side fix that will not require action from the client to install or activate. The fix is slated for late this week or early next week — Amwell will send out a notice with the specific timeline as we draw closer to release readiness.


Please review the instructions for updating at the bottom of this page to know whether you will have to manually download and install the updates, or if you are set up to automatically download and install the latest updates.

NOTE: You can view the Amwell Hospital Web & Mobile Updates page for a list of updates made across the Hospital platform (including bugfixes, hotfixes, etc.).
 You can also get a glimpse of notable new features and updates that are Coming Soon in the upcoming weeks and months. Both of these pages will require a one-time registration and login if you have not already registered for this site.



Updating your C250, C500, TV Kit 100

All updates on the C250, C500, and TV Kit 100 are managed remotely through the Amwell Fleet Monitoring portal. Updates can either be applied automatically, or you can choose to manually trigger updates on a per-device basis.

If your device's settings are set to 'Simple' (default) or 'Advanced - Auto-Reboot', then one or both of these items will download the update(s) automatically when it detects the availability of a new version of the application and/or OS. The 'Simple' setting will download the OS update file only and will wait for a manual reboot to install the OS update. 'Advance - Auto-Reboot' will download the OS update and initiate a reboot to automatically install the OS update.

If the device's settings are set to 'Advanced - Manual', then please review the following instructions to manually update your device.

Refer to your device's User Guide for more information on "Remote Device Management" for each of the system update options.


In the Fleet Monitoring Dashboard, select the endpoint device to be updated and you can find the Application Version and OS Version under 'Device Info'.



To update your device to the latest versions of the app and/or OS, navigate to the 'Commands' tab for your selected endpoint device and choose 'Push App Update' or 'Push OS Update.'

You must update each item one at a time.

NOTE: The OS update will require a system reboot. 



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